Roxane gay was wrong being thinskinned

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Still sounded out a place to me' this would have never became a thing. What's sad is if you had acted in any way like an adult and calmly said 'huh, I didn't know about that movie. But then she began to get indignant and rude when it came to her replies and that caused everyone to dig in. So lazy.Īt first it was just a correction. The latest batch just find something that someone else said that made people mad and say 'she's right, you know' and hope the arguments just fall into their laps. How does some half-talented troll like her get to make a good living from it? Why are so many people willing to sit all day on Twitter and defend her? Do they think she's going to throw pennies at them for their loyalty?

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She got a bee in her bonnet about 'gaslighting' and just assumed her own unexamined opinion about it was right, she was shown it wasn't as cut-and-dried as she said, she got mad about it, all her fans started whining like babies about 'racism' and 'mansplaining' and calling the people who are right 'cops' - because apparently you're a fucking cop if you know and care about actual facts, instead of opinions - and she's doubled down and tripled down and I fucking HATE HER for being this way. She's trolling and it's like no one on Twitter has the balls to just say so.

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