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While Netflix is home to some groundbreaking LGBTQ shows, it refuses to enforce its own policy in comedy. “Netflix has a policy that content ‘designed to incite hate or violence’ is not allowed on their platform, but we all know that anti-LGBTQ content does exactly that. The statement continued: “Attention Ricky and Netflix: people living with HIV today, when on effective treatment, lead long and healthy lives and cannot transmit HIV to others. He also spouts anti-gay rhetoric & spreads inaccurate information about HIV,” the organization tweeted Tuesday.

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It’s full of graphic, dangerous, anti-trans rants masquerading as jokes. “We watched the Ricky Gervais ‘comedy’ special on Netflix so you don’t have to. 'Ozark' Dominates Nielsen Streaming Chart, Racking Up More Than 3.3B Minutes Of Viewing

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